Moving (on) Day!

My new website is finally here! Very happy with it! Please have a look and inadvertently drive up my Google ranking while you're at it! Thanks!


Goodbye to my old neighborhood! It was swell...

Another Famous Dead Artist

Christina   Oil on paper   15" X 22"   2015

Digital print of Christina, 24" X 36", with Amanda Greer.

Digital print of Christina, 24" X 36", with Amanda Greer.

My artwork is on stage! My work represents the work of George Murnau in Another Famous Dead Artist, a one-act play about a famous artist (Rick Schneider) who threatens to kill himself when his longtime lover/muse Christina (Amanda Greer) decides to leave him for another woman Sabine (Lucy Dolly Caires). Written and directed by Anthony Marinelli.


I've always wanted to be one of those artists who did the artwork for "The Artist" in a play or film! Score!